Recruiting the Right Partners for Maximum Results

Do you Have the Right Channel for your Future? The Buyer's journey has changed in the past few years.  Has your channel strategy kept up?  Have your partners?  How are you transforming your channel to address how buyers buy? How is your channel changing to keep up? Here are some facts about the new world: [...]

By |2018-09-11T19:59:49+00:00August 4, 2016|

Surviving the Future

What Savvy Channel Chiefs Already Know How does a channel chief address the seismic shifts happening in the world of digital transformation? How can you enable the channel to make the crossing to new opportunities promised by the digital transformation? Phoenix Consulting Group and Highland Team have assembled thought pieces from our research, our library, [...]

By |2018-09-10T18:27:49+00:00July 22, 2016|

The Skills of Highly Successful Partner Managers

Partner managers need many skills to orchestrate collaboration between partnering organizations. Based on the requirements outlined by the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals[1], the successful partner manager must have developed skills that are not only specific to collaboration but also to broad business and industry knowledge along with an in depth understanding of their own organization. [...]

By |2018-09-10T18:33:45+00:00May 31, 2016|

Will Digital Transformation Transform the Channel?

TALKIN' SMAC AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Author: Hobart Swan | Published by: CCI Global Channel Management, January 2016 Feature Let’s start off with a definition. The Altimeter Group defines digital transformation as “the realignment of, or new investment in, technology and business models to more effectively engage digital customers at every touch point in the customer experience lifecycle.” [...]

By |2018-09-10T18:36:21+00:00May 13, 2016|

Is the Channel Ready of IoT?

Is IoT Ready for the Channel? We’ve been hearing IoT is coming; IoT is coming for some time.  The fact of the matter is IoT is here.  GE announced that they saw $6B inrevenue in industrial IoT this past year, 2015. Others Amazon, Google, IBM, even the US government have also announced huge investments into [...]

By |2018-09-10T18:38:15+00:00April 22, 2016|

Success is not an Accident

Skills, Aptitudes and Attitudes of Highly Successful Partner Managers There are key differences in skills, aptitudes and attitudes of a highly collaborative partner manager.  They are skilled at adapting to an ever changing environment and operating in a world beyond the traditional organization boundaries.  Their ability to collaborate is what provides them the relationship power [...]

By |2018-09-11T21:59:55+00:00January 19, 2016|

Collaborative Skills Development is Not Knowledge Transfer

Traditional learning and training paths are based purely on gaining knowledge. The assumption can be made that with knowledge our employees and partners can be more successful. And it is true. However, the missing element comes when this knowledge needs to be applied through experienced judgement. Partner managers will only be as successful as their [...]

By |2018-09-11T20:07:30+00:00November 24, 2015|

Why Invest in Partner Management Training? – ROI!

The ROI of Partner Manager Training Effective training is without doubt a crucial ingredient for success. The challenge for any organization is measuring and justifying the investment in training. One statistic that clearly shows the value of training comes from a 2014 IBM study. IBM found that 84% of employees in top performing companies believe [...]

By |2018-09-11T20:14:09+00:00November 17, 2015|

Making Partner Managers Winners

Investment in Talent to Grow and Innovate To many organizations, alliances and strategic partnerships are “the new way businesses grow and innovate,” particularly as they experience a rising profile within the C-suite.  As partnership alliances become an increasingly important source of innovation for companies, they are integral to future success. One study cites that 51% of [...]

By |2018-09-11T20:15:19+00:00October 19, 2015|

MicroAlliances for Small Businesses

Strategic Alliances are not just for the Big Guys My clientele is typically large companies, but this past month I was asked to participate in a speed mentoring event for a group of independent consultants.  I was asked many times “can partnering help me in my business? How do I find the right partner?  How [...]

By |2018-09-11T20:17:06+00:00August 8, 2015|